Common Denture Questions

Our office is committed to improving the quality of life for patients who come to us with decayed, damaged teeth. Oftentimes, their chewing, talking, comfort, and smile confidence are compromised by their conditions. Dentures are a great solution, but the topic...

How We Help Conquer Dental Phobias

Recent articles have indicated that 10% of the U.S. population has a dental phobia so strong that it prevents them from making regular dental visits. If we apply the statistic to Jacksonville’s population, more than 84,000 people in our area have this condition. So in...

Preventive Dentistry Tips

We’ve learned a lot in the 25 years of our practice. So in this post, we detail some of the most effective tips, tricks, and advice we’ve given our patients over the years to help them avoid serious – not to mention expensive – dental conditions. Don’t Forget Brushing...

All About Tooth Extractions

In an earlier post, we described our approach to wisdom teeth extractions. But when do permanent teeth need to be removed? In this post, we’ll define when an extraction is necessary and the services we offer to fill the new gap and maintain your healthy smile. Causes...