We’ve learned a lot in the 25 years of our practice. So in this post, we detail some of the most effective tips, tricks, and advice we’ve given our patients over the years to help them avoid serious – not to mention expensive – dental conditions.
Don’t Forget Brushing Basics
Brush your teeth twice a day in a circular motion with a soft bristled toothbrush aimed at the gum. Tip: Replace your toothbrush whenever bristles start to fray. If you wait too long, you could be doing damage to your gums.
Check-Ups: The Best Defense against Decay

A healthy diet is a great preventive measure against cavities and gum disease.
Using a new laser technology called DIAGNOdent, we can find hidden decay and eliminate it before it grows. This is a major factor in preserving your tooth’s structure. Through this focus on early detection, we can help you keep your happy, healthy teeth for your entire life. Tip: Our new technology can only help if you visit us. Keep your 6-month check-up schedule to catch problems early and avoid costly dental procedures.
Flossing Best Practices
Floss every night in an up-and-down motion while keeping the floss in a U-shape and against the tooth surface. Tip: Floss in front of your young child and sing a song as you go. She’ll think it’s fun and not be scared when she starts flossing herself.
Mouthwash and Water Rinsing
Use antiseptic and fluoride rinses as directed. They help support tooth enamel and prevent cavities. Tip: Rinse with tap water after eating acidic or sugary foods. The fluoride in the tap water will help your teeth and the habit will help wash away harmful mouth bacteria.
Balance that Diet
Eat a balanced diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables. Tip: limit your consumption of sugary, sticky sweets by eating a small portion immediately after lunch or dinner. Your saliva is the most active right after a meal and it will help wash away the enamel-eroding bacteria.
Keep Your Smile Bright
Avoid cigarettes and other tobacco products. They are a major cause of tooth discoloration. Tip: Check out our Cosmetic Dentistry page service if you’re unhappy with the whiteness of your smile.
For More Information And Tips
To learn more about any of the points in this article or to get more back-to-school tips, call 904-384-4391, message us on Facebook, or email drrittenberg@drritettenberg.com.
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