Oct 14, 2022 | General Dentistry
Did you know that nearly 40% of the population is afraid of going to the dentist? Unfortunately, this can lead to a large number of complications. For example, their lack of dental care could lead to a dental emergency one day. Although tooth pain is not uncommon, not...
Aug 14, 2015 | General Dentistry
Dental sealants are a preventive solution against cavities forming in the back teeth – the most likely area for decay. While they are most often applied to children, adults who do not have cavities or fillings in their molars can also get them. In this post, we...
Aug 7, 2015 | General Dentistry, Oral Care Routine
In our nearly 30 years as a Jacksonville dental practice, we have seen many success stories of people who either did not floss at all or who did not floss correctly change their ways. As a result, they showed major improvement in the number of cavities they had, the...
Jun 25, 2015 | General Dentistry, Oral Health Education
There are lots of myths and rumors surrounding mouthwash. And if you listen to all of them, you’d never go near a bottle. The truth is simple: mouthwash is an important part of any daily oral care routine. In this article, we discuss the most important issues...
Jun 18, 2015 | General Dentistry
Our office is committed to improving the quality of life for patients who come to us with decayed, damaged teeth. Oftentimes, their chewing, talking, comfort, and smile confidence are compromised by their conditions. Dentures are a great solution, but the topic...
Mar 28, 2015 | General Dentistry, Oral health Concerns, preventive dentistry
The basics are widely known: brush your teeth twice a day; floss at least once; and use fluoride mouthwash at least once as well. But despite wide spread knowledge of these oral health staples, dental caries is still a national epidemic. According to the National...
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