Common Flossing Mistakes

In our nearly 30 years as a Jacksonville dental practice, we have seen many success stories of people who either did not floss at all or who did not floss correctly change their ways. As a result, they showed major improvement in the number of cavities they had, the...

Overcoming Common Appointment Barriers

Keeping to a regular check-up schedule is a key part of everyone’s oral care routine. Preventing Small Issues from Growing into Big, Expensive Problems More and more, research shows how cavities and gum disease can progress if they are left unchecked. Thanks to our...

How We Help Conquer Dental Phobias

Recent articles have indicated that 10% of the U.S. population has a dental phobia so strong that it prevents them from making regular dental visits. If we apply the statistic to Jacksonville’s population, more than 84,000 people in our area have this condition. So in...

Oral Cancer Symptoms and Prevention Tips

In our last post, we provided some updated facts and statistics about oral cancer as part of our support of National Oral Cancer Awareness Month. In this post, we’ll extend the conversation by detailing some of the most common symptoms of the disease and some of the...