Keeping to a regular check-up schedule is a key part of everyone’s oral care routine.

Jacksonville dentist Dr. Harris Rittenberg explains how his office helps patients overcome common appointment attendance barriers.

Keeping to a regular check-up schedule leads to healthy teeth.

Preventing Small Issues from Growing into Big, Expensive Problems

More and more, research shows how cavities and gum disease can progress if they are left unchecked. Thanks to our focus on preventive dentistry, our patients can catch a cavity or minor gum inflammation before they grow. The end result is a set of healthy teeth and gums that can last for a lifetime without major dental costs.

Respecting Our Patients’ Time

This is another are of emphasis at our office. We track our “seating on time” statistics to make sure we do not keep patients in the waiting room long. We also attend continuing education seminars to learn best practices from other offices.

Summary: Check Ups Save Time and Money in the Long Run

We know our patients lead busy lives, but putting off a dental check up is a temporary solution that leads to bigger trouble down the road. The American Dental Association recommends that adults get check ups 2 to 4 times per year. At our office, we constantly work to make sure these appointments are as fast and effective as possible, so you can get on with your day with a confident smile.

So please contact us to make your next appointment or to ask any question you may have about this post.


New patients can also receive a free consultation. This $209 value includes digital photographs, x-rays, a smile analysis, and a consultation with Dr. Rittenberg.