According to a recent report from the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (AACD), more patients are requesting porcelain veneers than ever before. In fact, this cosmetic dental service is second only to teeth whitening in terms of popularity in the U.S. In this post, we’ll explain why veneers are such a popular solution to many smile imperfections.

Veneers 101

Veneers are wafer-thin, custom-made shells of tooth-colored materials designed to cover the front surface of teeth to improve your appearance. These shells are bonded to the front of the teeth changing their color, shape, size, or length.

Jacksonville Dentist

Veneers are rising in popularity, especially in the Generation Y demographic.

The Natural Look

The AACD report says:

“Whereas people used to want the most perfectly shaped teeth possible, more and more customers, especially those in the Generation Y demographic, are requesting cosmetic treatments that subtly enhance their smiles.”

Veneers provide this subtle improvement. They allow the changes to look organic as opposed to contrived. They also help maintain the functionality of a patient’s mouth compared to a crown placement, which can alter a person’s bite or chewing motion considerably.

A Solution For Many Problems

There’s no doubt that teeth take a beating over time. Some of the most common issues they endure include:

  • Staining
  • Chipping
  • Grinding
  • Alignment shifts
  • Spatial shifts

Veneers solve all these problems while giving your smile a brighter, younger look.

Lumineers: Our Veneer of Choice

Our office is proud to offer Lumineers. These are very thin porcelain veneers that fit over your existing teeth.  They are as thin as a contact lens and can fit over your teeth with very little reshaping or contouring of your teeth.  Many people use them to get a whiter smile or to fix crooked or chipped teeth.

For More Information about Veneers

Our Cosmetic Dentistry page has many other Before/After images that display the effectiveness of Lumineers and Zoom Whitening as well as Invisalign. Each set of images show actual patients and are completely unaltered.

As always, feel free to contact us if you have questions about these procedures or if you’d like to schedule a consultation.