All About Tooth Extractions

In an earlier post, we described our approach to wisdom teeth extractions. But when do permanent teeth need to be removed? In this post, we’ll define when an extraction is necessary and the services we offer to fill the new gap and maintain your healthy smile. Causes...

Summer Tip: Beware of Energy and Sports Drinks

Thanks to summer’s heat, energy and sports drinks like to rev up their flashy ad campaigns. They bill themselves as quick, easy ways to stay up longer, feel more energetic, or replenish after exercise. But these drinks pose several risks to the health of your body and...

Our June Invisalign Special

We’re offering an amazing opportunity to our Jacksonville patients this June! By contacting our office this month and scheduling a complimentary Invisalign consultation, you’ll get the chance to save $1025 on this popular treatment. Invisalign Basics Invisalign is an...

“Natural” Cavity Fighters

Can certain foods help prevent cavities? It’s a question debated throughout scientific and dental communities. In the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, researchers published findings of a recent study that indicate antimicrobial agents in some foods inhibit...