Aug 7, 2015 | General Dentistry, Oral Care Routine
In our nearly 30 years as a Jacksonville dental practice, we have seen many success stories of people who either did not floss at all or who did not floss correctly change their ways. As a result, they showed major improvement in the number of cavities they had, the...
Jun 25, 2015 | General Dentistry, Oral Health Education
There are lots of myths and rumors surrounding mouthwash. And if you listen to all of them, you’d never go near a bottle. The truth is simple: mouthwash is an important part of any daily oral care routine. In this article, we discuss the most important issues...
May 28, 2015 | Nutrition and Oral Health
While everyone needs to pay attention to their gum health, statistics show that men need more reminders to do so than women. Earlier this month, researchers issued a big reminder to men on this topic, in the form of study results that indicate an advance in the link...
Mar 28, 2015 | General Dentistry, Oral health Concerns, preventive dentistry
The basics are widely known: brush your teeth twice a day; floss at least once; and use fluoride mouthwash at least once as well. But despite wide spread knowledge of these oral health staples, dental caries is still a national epidemic. According to the National...
Mar 18, 2015 | Oral health Concerns, Oral Health Education
Medical research has shown a strong correlation between the presence of gum disease in a patient and a higher rate of stroke, Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, heart disease and numerous other health problems. Recently, more research is pointing to a connection between...
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