It’s that time of year when many Jacksonville families are planning to take the perfect photo for their holiday cards. And nothing says “holiday cheer” better than a bright, sparkling smile! So in this post, we’ll provide some quick teeth whitening do’s and don’ts.

Do Get a Consultation First

Teeth whitening (or bleaching) works extremely well for most patients. However, some dental conditions may make the results less than ideal. For example, at-home treatments found in drug stores may make your teeth whiter, but they may not match the shade of your existing crowns. So, instead of the universally white look you were going for, you may draw more attention to your crowns instead.

Jacksonville denstist

Bright, white smiles are a great part of holiday card photos.

That’s why a consultation is so important. We can point out the potential problems and offer guidance about the best solution for your time and budget.

Don’t Be Fooled by Over-the-Counter Whiteners

Drug store remedies and quick-fix techniques such as “whitening strips” are often “low cost” and “low power” short term solutions to achieving a whiter smile. Consumers report that the drug store whitening products are messier and the results are not as good as desired.

Do an In-Office Treatment for Optimal Results

Fast acting, safe, and noticeable teeth whitening uses stronger, more powerful ingredients, which require the supervision of a dental professional.

Our office offers the Zoom Whitening option.  Zoom is an in-office whitening system that can whiten your teeth up to 8 shades whiter in one hour.

For More Information on Zoom

Our Cosmetic Dentistry page has many Before/After images that display the effectiveness of Zoom Whitening. Each set of images show actual patients and are completely unaltered.

As always, feel free to contact us if you have questions about these procedures or if you’d like to schedule a consultation.